Oct 25, 2012

o inconsciente ou o aproveitamento dele

Será que estou esquecida? Há por estes dias uma campanha publicitária no metro que mostra um "casal normal de classe média" a volta dum chocolatinho. Acontece que o homem deste casal é de origem africana. Fiquei espantada, e contente. Não me lembro de outro exemplo da utilização/aceitação na publicidade desta realidade social  aqui em Portugal. Parece quase um acontecimento.
Mas... tinha mesmo de ser chocolate?


  1. Ha ha, this was very much worth having my google translater put to work. I laughed. 'Chocolatinho' was the only word it couldn't put into Dutch (or English) but, I could fill in the blanks.

    Advertisement is going through changes lately, I noticed. They have moved from traditional role models and have tapped the market appeal of 'the abnormal'. Humanity will never improve, but everything will even out in the end I feel. Hey-hey.

  2. You seem to have the same notion of abnormal, even with brackets, as some friends of my grand-mother.

  3. Do your grandmother's friends also work in advertisement? Yesterday, I even saw someone in a commercial who looked like ME!!! Up is down, wrong is right, ugly is commercially attractive... what's next?

  4. or you're much more normal that you believe.

  5. That is a plausible theory; my self-image (if that is a word) is highly distorted. Besides, I look much more like Nelson Mandela than like George Clooney. (thanks)
