Apr 29, 2010

grand jour dans la vie d'une femme

ma première paire de lunettes!
10 euros à la pharmacie, un miracle.


  1. Did you already collect new gazes? Did you catch the mouse? Did you learn a new language with a lilliput dictionnary? Did you watch the new woman in you dancing in the mirrors? Did you clean the lenses more than two times a day? Did you look directly at the sun for more than a second? Did you see beautiful imperfections? The people who cross you on the street pass closer or farer?
    I began wearing glasses at 4 because the posters with the names of colours didn't match with the letters. I wondered why. Since then, I have four eyes. Just don't forget to sleep over the new 2 of them.

  2. Bem! vou ter de estudar uma semana para responder aquelas perguntas todas. uma posso responder já: the mouse continues alive and well! ela ou a sua irmã. E outra: ainda não cleansei absolutamente nada. suponho que vou ter de ir comprar uma pele de bambi verdadeiro naquela loja da luvas diminutas do Chiado. Ou com que é que se limpa óculos novos pela primeira vez? Com a fralda da tishirti?
