Jan 19, 2017

Werner Herzog's bear

an illustration I did for an article that didn't get published

Jan 17, 2017

está tudo dito

O pequeno café-restaurante nepalês no antigo cinema Liz da Almirante Reis chama-se COURAGE AFTERNOON,  nome como valor suficiente para nave espacial prestes a atravessar espaços intersiderais nunca navegados.


Jan 13, 2017

the well spread love of international zeroglottism...

What book might people be surprised to find on your shelves?
“English as She Is Spoke: The New Guide of the Conversation in Portuguese and English,” by Pedro Carolino, first published in America in 1883, with an introduction by Mark Twain. As Twain puts it, “Nobody can add to the absurdity of this book,” and indeed it is ridiculous — a guide to English written by someone who had not the slightest grasp of the language. More than a hundred pages filled with such sentences as: “You have there a library too many considerable, it is a proof your love for the learnings” or “Nothing is more easy than to swim; it do not what don’t to be afraid of.” The book is pure Dada, and as Twain writes, “its immortality is secure.”

Paul Auster in a New York Times interview