Oct 31, 2016

the day before yesterday

"The curse of storytelling is being litteral".
Barry Purves at Festa da animação, in Barcelos
Or how to free oneself through artifice, and the joy of it.

Oct 23, 2016

mais duas figueiras

esta ontem no jardim da estrela
e aquela algures nos pântanos da florida antes de 1973, por Walt Kelly. A direita Pogo the Possum.

Oct 20, 2016

a figueira que foi de um homem

o homem morreu
a figueira passou a ser do povo
durante 10 dias o povo da figueira sou eu

Oct 17, 2016

Oct 16, 2016

vieram tempos de citar

"Quem pode devorar o misantropo que nos odeia, pensar em aprendê-lo digerindo, e divergindo
desprendê-lo? Misantropofágico."

Guilherme Gontijo Flores
daqui, ele que daqui

Oct 15, 2016

on peut le dire comme ça

"la mort est un instrument de travail"
Raul Ruiz ?


Oct 12, 2016

num redondo claustro 3

« Since Biblical times, to be connected with people sexually is a way of knowing them. In our century—for the first time—it is valued primarily as a way of knowing oneself. That’s too much of a burden for the sexual act to carry. »
Susan Sontag. « As Consciousness Is Harnessed to Flesh. »

Oct 11, 2016

num redondo claustro 2

« The Jesuit device (one of many) for promoting concentration in prayer + meditation: “composition of place.” You think closely about where an edifying event (say, the Crucifixion) took place—weather, flora + fauna, colors, etc.—+ thus understand its deeper meaning more easily.»
Susan Sontag. « As Consciousness Is Harnessed to Flesh. »

Oct 10, 2016

num redondo claustro 1

« A kind of braininess—but at the same time, one that she would mistrust. Experiencing her mind mainly as a means of aggression, as a weapon turned against other people, she w[oul]d want to get rid of her mind. Becoming mindless becomes equated with the ability (the freedom) to love.  »
Susan Sontag. « As Consciousness Is Harnessed to Flesh. »

Oct 6, 2016

idylle champêtre

Le soleil se couche derrière les éoliennes. Un chien aboie au loin, un autre lui répond, un vent rose ébouriffe le ciel. Une fourmi isolée traverse la pierre du seuil. Entre ses mandibules, la tête d'une guêpe.

Oct 1, 2016

Sancha Pança

dia 3 no minúsculo moinho entre funcho e asphodelus.